Professional Commitment and Social Factors Affecting it Among Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch and Shahid Beheshti University Employees
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of Youth
1 - Assistant Professor in Sociology of Islamic Azad University of Tehran ( North Branch)
Keywords: Islamic Azad University, Shahid Beheshti University, Professional commitment and Employees,
Abstract :
This paper is an attempt to study the Professional commitment and social factors affecting it. This article is based on a survey, from 230 respondents (37.4 percent were males and 60.9 percent females). The average age was 35 years old and the average salary was 471 $. Among them, 31.5 percent were single and 68.5 percent were married. The average work experience is 10.5 years and classes are about 15. The professional commitment on a scale of 0-4 is 2.1. The results show there is a significant relationship between the education and job role ambiguity, sense of organizational support, job satisfaction, sense of organizational justice, work alienation, religious attitudes and beliefs, sense of organizational control, and marital status with professional commitment at the level of 0.95 is meaningful. The independent variables explain 24.5% changes of the dependent variable.
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