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  • Aims and Scope

    Aims and Scope

     The Editorial Board of the Middle East Political Review is keen to throw the net as far and wide as possible to invite interested scholars and practitioners, in Iran and elsewhere, to extend cooperation with this journal and submit their papers, book reviews, or short analytical notes on relevant subjects for publication in our journal. Though, the papers should be written based on the following issues:


    Main Subject



    Regional issues in the Middle East

    Popular movements and Islamic awakening in the Middle East

    Regionalism in the Middle East

    Geopolitical and Geo-economic issues in the Middle East

    Border issues and conflicts in the Middle East

    Security and strategic issues in the Middle East

    Background, factors and dynamics of crises in the Middle East


    International issues in the Middle East

    The Middle East and globalization

    Great powers' policies in the Middle East

    Impacts and performances of regional and global media in the Middle East

    The Middle East and global issues and crises, including Pandemics; Terrrorism; Climate Change; Immigration; Trafficking


    Political sociology of the Middle East

    The theoretical foundations of state in the Middle East

    The social and Islamic movements in the Middle East

    The theoretical debates related to political transition in the Middle East

    Ethnic issues, identity and nation-building in the Middle East

    Political culture and public opinion in the Middle East


    Political economy and development studies in the Middle East

    Features and problems of development in the Middle East

    Features and influences of rentier structures in the Middle East

    The Middle East and oil markets in the region and the world

    Patterns and achievements of development in the Middle East

    Regionalism in the development sphere in the Middle East


    Political thought in the Middle East

    Political and intellectual currents and forces in the Middle East

    Islamic political thought and its reflections in the Middle East

    Muslim thinkers and native political theories in the Middle East

    Trajectory of change in intellectual and civilizational currents in the Middle East